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The European Breast Cancer Council (EBC council) is an association of the European organizations involved in breast cancer. The three founding members of the organization are EORTC Breast Cancer Group (EORTC-BCG), the European Society of Breast Cancer Specialists (EUSOMA), and EUROPA DONNA - The European Breast Cancer Coalition.
The mission of the association is to raise awareness and improve prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care of breast cancer patients.

EBC Council aims at increasing awareness for breast cancer, promoting consensus on controversial issues and disseminating guidelines related to screening, prevention, treatment, research and care aspects of breast cancer in cooperation with members and partners.
The association also promotes and supports educational activities of professionals and advocates in the field of breast cancer, research initiatives and the dissemination of knowledge in the field of breast cancer, initiatives aiming at improving the quality of care.
Last but not least, EBC Council streamlines communications between different actors active in breast cancer prevention, education, advocacy and all aspects of research, treatment and care stimulating and supporting the coordination of breast cancer events in Europe.
To further the above goals and objectives, the EBC Council provides a platform for its members and partners by carrying such activities as the organization of international scientific meetings and study groups, amongst other events.

EBC council is committed in the organization of the European Breast Cancer Conference (EBCC), the most important event on breast Cancer in the European Scenario which is organized every two years.

The EBCC Conference aims at promoting the establishment of a European multidisciplinary platform for scientific exchanges about all aspects of breast cancer but also to facilitate the dissemination of breast cancer research results.
Last but not the least, to promote the implementation throughout Europe of multidisciplinarity in the field of breast cancer research and treatment and equal access of patients to quality treatments.

In 2018 the conference, held in Barcelona, has issued the European Breast Cancer Conference manifesto on Genetic risk prediction testing in breast cancer and in 2020 EBCC12, held virtually due to COVID-19 pandemic, has issued a manifesto focused on inappropriate reimbursement and funding rules and regulations that act as disincentives to best breast cancer care or hinder best care in Europe.

EBCC14 has been held on 20-22 March 2024

Next 15th European Breast Cancer Conference (EBCC-15)

Previous manifesto/statements:

  • The EBCC13 Manfesto agreed at EBCC-13 in 2022 "Balancing pros and cons for contralateral prophylactic mastectomy"
  • The EBCC12 Manfesto agreed at EBCC-12 in 2020 "Why is appropriate healthcare inaccessible for many European breast cancer patients?"
  • The Barcelona Manifesto agreed at EBCC-11 in 2018
    "European Breast Cancer Council manifesto 2018: Genetic risk prediction testing in breast cancer."                  
    Rutgers E, Balmana J, Beishon M, Benn K, Evans DG, Mansel R, Pharoah P, Perry Skinner V, Stoppa-Lyonnet D, Travado L, Wyld L.                                                                                                                                                          Eur J Cancer. 2019 Jan;106:45-53. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2018.09.019. Epub 2018 Nov 22
  • The Amsterdam Manifesto agreed at EBCC-10 in 2016
    "European Breast Cancer Conference manifesto on breast centres/units*"
    Fatima Cardoso, Luigi Cataliotti, Alberto Costa, Susan Knox, Lorenza Marotti, Emiel Rutgers, Marc Beishon
    European Journal of Cancer 72 (2017) 244 e 250
  • The Glasgow Manifesto agreed at EBCC-9 in 2014
    “Optimal breast cancer pathology manifesto”
    Tot T, Viale G, Rutgers E, Bergsten-Nordström E, Costa A; European Breast Cancer Council Working Group.
    Eur J Cancer. 2015 Nov;51(16):2285-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2015.06.127. Epub 2015 Aug 14.
  • The Nice Manifesto agreed at EBCC-5 in 2006
  • The Hamburg Statement agreed at EBCC-4 in 2004
    “The Hamburg Statement: the partnership driving the European agenda on breast
    J. Jassem, M. Buchanan, F. Jänicke, M. Baum, L. Cataliotti, S. Kyriakides, M. Piccart, E.J.T.
    Rutgers, A. Costa*
    Eur J Cancer. 2004 Aug;40(12):1810-1.
  • The Barcelona Declaration agreed at EBCC-3 in 2002
    "The Statement of Barcelona: The future of breast cancer research in danger"
    M. Baum*, M. Buchanan, J. Baselga, L. Cataliotti, J. Jassem, M. Piccart
    European Journal of Cancer, Vol. 38, 2002, Issue 17, 2210-2213
  • The Brussels Statement agreed at EBCC-2 in 2000
    “Brussels Statement on Breast Cancer"
    M.Piccart, R.Blamey, M.Buchanan, L.Cataliotti, A.Costa, J.Cuzick, G.Freilich, J.Jassem, C.J.H. van de Velde, R.Wilson,
    European Journal of Cancer, Vol.37, No.11, pp1335-1337, 2001
  • The Florence Statement agreed at EBCC-1 in 1998
    “Florence statement on breast cancer, 1998 forging the way ahead for more research on and better care in breast cancer”
    Cataliotti L1, Costa A, Daly PA, Fallowfield L, Freilich G, Holmberg L, Piccart M, van de Velde CJ, Veronesi U.
    Eur J Cancer. 1999 Jan;35(1):14-5.